“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives, it is the one that is the most adaptable to change” Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

You would walk into an office and all you would hear is the tap! Tap! Tap!of the typewriter and the drrrrrring drrrrrring drrrrrrring of the dial up phone. People were so used to the sounds that they would find it abnormal if they walked into a silent office which is the norm nowadays. The analog era where everything was done manually. Type a letter with a typewriter and erase an error using white out. There was no delete key then. Dial up the telephone trrrrrrrrrrtra, trrrrrrrrrrtra one digit after another. However long it took we had to communicate, we had no option. I think the attention span was also longer.There was no hurry in Africa.

We then transitioned to the tapping phone. The dial ups were abandoned in the archives and museums. We were introduced to the computers which now had the delete key. No need for white outs and long hours of hitting on the hard stand keyboard tap! Tap! Tap! And now communication was faster than the previous era.letters would now be received immediately through a fax machine. What an amazing transition we were wowed. People born in this era were wondering how those museum-like dial up phones were being used and who had all that time to make a call.And use those museum-like typewriters to type letters. The era before this there was even training for typing speed. I wonder if it still exists. We were falling into our comfort zone ‘tuko mbele’

Then voila!!! The internet came, the era of emails and with it the mobile phones now we had the communication in our hands. We were not leaving them on our desks anymore. Communication improved tenfold. We didn’t have to wait till we got into the office to make or to receive a call . Communication was at the tip of our fingers. Letters would be sent as email immediately after typing and get the reply immediately.Amazing the workspace productivity improved and so we thought. Really we had reached the ultimate.

Hardly had we even relaxed, the world went crazy, social media facebook, whatsapp, tik tok. You could communicate with many people at one go.You ask for help and you get it immediately. The world is now abuzz. The world of the smartphone, Digital transformation. You just tap a name you call immediately, you send a message and feedback is immediate. Everything is moving so fast. The office space is changing. People would be operating in different parts of the world but still working in the same office. The office workspace is now global. The communication is now not only faster but can also be translated into different world languages.We don’t need to send letters that will take weeks to reach the other parts of the world. The world has become smaller. The smartphone is now the multifaceted communication tool replacing the good old dial up phone and the good old typewriter. What a transformation. This is just but a small part of the digital transformation

 Is your office space in the era of dial up phone and the good old typewriter or in the era of the desktop tap phone and the desktop computer or you are dynamic and moving with the world’s digital transformation era 

Support your workspace digital transformation so as not to be left behind

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